The tekniQ method is different.

We believe that you need to enjoy your training, be in good company and engage in a variety of methods to achieve great levels in your fitness journey.

What is your element? When do you say to yourself “I am in my element here”. That is what you need to find to bring out your best.

If your element is group indoor training - this is for you! This is training for those wanting to experience the best in group fitness training. Custom built to cater to our group sessions for training like no other, this studio and our coaches will bring out your best.

tekniQ’s coaches are well experienced and educated to deliver you thought out, well planned programs at each session. You will enjoy chasing and attaining your fitness results with us.

 Dee Pace - Founder

" Nothing changes if nothing changes"

We like change. When you feel uncomfortable you know its bringing out something in you that will cause a change effect. Nothing grows in comfort. So dont shy away from trying something new, getting out there in a new environment and pushing the limits you have created. With us you can try it all; from outdoor training to even building muscle in our centre!


Our Community

One of the best parts of tekniQ is the people. From our Outdoors, where it all started, to online to our studio and into our Performance Centre each person has a back story, a goal, a journey and an interest in what we do.

That is why it is so important to surround yourself with the right people. People that bring out your best, that encourage you, celebrate your highs, stay there in your lows and also are constantly working on themselves in the process.

Whether you like to train one on one or in a group you are part of our community.

 Meet the team

Dee Pace - Founder & Coach


Grace - Indoor Trainer